Auxiliary function for dzim
fitting. Typically only used internally by
, but may be used to construct a control argument for either function.
dzim.control(dist = c("poisson", "nb", "zip", "zinb"), trace = FALSE, start = NULL, order = 1, mu0 = rep(0, order), Sigma0 = diag(1, order), N = 1000, R = 1000, niter = 500)
dist | count model family |
trace | logical; if TRUE, display iteration history. |
start | initial parameter values. |
order | autoregressive order. |
mu0 | mean vector for initial state. |
Sigma0 | covariance matrix for initial state. |
N | number of particiles in particle filtering. |
R | number of replications in particle smoothing. |
niter | number of iterations. |
The default values of N
, R
, and niter
are chosen based on our experience.
In some cases, N
= 500, R
= 500, and niter
= 200 might be sufficient.
The dzim.plot
function should always be used for convergence diagnostics.